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When does Creekside open?


Many citizens have said, “We’ve seen photos of the pool filling with water. When will it open?”

The city leadership would love to open the pool when the water is ready. But for several reasons, that won’t be possible.

The main reason is the sprinkler system. Mayor Jackson told the Rotarians last week, “The Creekside Aquatic Center is all glass, steel, and concrete. But the state fire codes require we had to sprinkle that structure.”

“Since the entire Creekside Complex will have one sprinkler system housed in the new gym, which is still under construction, we can’t open any part of the building to the public yet,” Jackson said.

CFO Luke Feighert hopes to open everything by late summer or early fall. But there’s not a specific date yet. “We will just have to wait until it gets closer before we can have an educated guess.”

Mayor Jerry Jackson said, “I hope the public will be wowed when they tour the facility. We are getting very excited because we can see the end in sight.”


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