This is one of those columns that I have no clue what to write about. I could tell you about my love for Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, but I have more research to do first. I’ve been trying to delete some things from Google so it will stop telling me I’m going to run out of storage space and die. (I exaggerate a little) So I ran across some photos from our first two trips to Costa Rica. We were up close and personal to a dormant volcano and that is interesting. But going through photos and seeing how all of our grandkids have grown and matured really makes me thankful.
Harry Ironside was laid aside for dead when he was born on October 14, 1876 in Toronto, Canada. His mother was in a bad state and needed of all the attention she could get if she were to pull through. But God had big plans for the "dead" baby. A nurse detected a feeble pulse in him. She popped him into a bath of hot water and he quickly exercised the vocal cords which would declare Christ to perhaps a million listeners over the course of his life.
From Times Sources