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19th mission trip to Africa for octogenarian


Editor’s Note: Eugene Saul, Talan and Bethany Sailors shared what God did when they were asked to spend a month in Kenya, Africa. This is the first of the series. Visit harrisondaily.com to read the story in its entirety.

Eugene Saul, Talan and Bethany Sailors returned safely from their month-long “adventure” God planned for them in Kenya, Africa.

Even though Saul is in his 80s the Africans want him to return for what would be his 20th trip. “We will just have to wait and see what God wants to do,” he said.

“Talan is in the process of switching from the reserves to active duty. The Lord just allowed the timing to be perfect.” Bethany said. Her job at Riley’s Treasures allowed her the time off, too.

“God worked it all out,” Talan said.

“The Lord just asked us to go,” Saul said.

“Talan and I both prayed about it and heard a ‘go’ separately. Talan asked me, ‘How is this supposed to work?’”

“I told him, ‘there is no way we can figure it out.’ It looked so congested and like there was no way it would work. But God made a way and we went,” she said.

Before they arrived, they had 10,000 copies of a booklet about Jesus printed in the necessary languages. They had to have an additional 2,000 printed copies because they ran out. There were seven more schools who wanted copies and 100 more schools in another district.

As a group, they were invited to share the gospel with 15 schools, six prisons and five churches.

“God is still in the business of changing lives,” he said.

Two of those churches Saul had helped start 15 years ago. “It made me feel like Paul. I was so excited to see some of the people we led to the Lord all those years ago, still involved at that church. One of them started from a slum area where we walked the streets and talked to people. A lady from Harrison gave $2,500 to pay for the sheet metal for that building. Now there are 300 people in that church. It makes you feel good to see God still working.”

“We were busy, because that’s what we went there for,” he said.


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