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Be a helpful hero today

Newspapers in Education


We’ve been learning about doing our best and not letting failures define us. Everyone makes mistakes. The key is to get up and try again. We’ve talked about having a positive attitude and being thankful for the blessing of attending school. It wasn’t that long ago that even in the United States, every child wasn’t able to attend school.
Author Jon Gordon says, “Don’t let negativity win today. Remember it starts with you. If you are complaining, you're not leading. If you are leading you’re not complaining. One person can’t make a team. But one person can break a team. No energy vampires allowed.” (His book about energy vampires is very good.)
He also said, “One person in pursuit of excellence raises the standards of everyone around them. And as they strive for greatness they bring out the greatness in others. Be that one person today.”
What would your teacher think of that? I’m sure it would be very appreciated and help the whole class stay in a positive, learning mindset.

Some days it’s just more difficult to stay in a positive mindset. That’s when you have to get your eyes off of the “me” mentality and “see” others. Really look around. Who could use an encouraging word today, or someone to be their friend on the playground or in the lunchroom? Keep your eyes open for someone who is lost and can’t find their new class.
My junior high building was brand new and in the shape of a hexagon with sections of classrooms off the edges. When I had walked by the office twice, I realized I was walking in circles. I was very grateful, someone helped.
You never know who might need your help today. Be a hero and focus on others instead of your own, “very bad day.” I promise, your day will get better.


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