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Heroes honored as 9/11 Ceremony vows to ‘Never Forget’


The Harrison Fire Department hosted a ceremony to honor those lives lost 22 years ago on September 11, 2001, at the new location at 118 Industrial Park Road.

Runners departed from the Bellefonte Harps at the time of the first attack to bring the flag raised on the flagpole, then lowered it to half-mast. National Park Service and other agencies were joined by the Valley Springs girl’s cross-country team to run eight miles to Central Fire Station.

Pastor Mike Bishop opened the ceremony in prayer and said, “The memory of September 11, 2001, still haunts us in our hearts.”

Boone County Judge Robert Hathaway said, “This is a chance to recapture the spirit of unity, to reflect and be thankful for those who serve us today defending our nation.”

In a joint proclamation with Boone County Judge Robert Hathaway, Mayor Jerry Jackson said, “In response to this tragedy, Americans across the country came together in a remarkable spirit of patriotism and unity.”

Jackson continued, “In 2002, family members of those killed and injured on 9/11 joined with first responders and others to create 9/11 Day to ‘Never Forget’ that historic tragedy.”

“Be it resolved that the County Judge of Boone County Arkansas and the Mayor of the City of Harrison do hereby recognize and proclaim the 11th day of September 2023 as a ‘day of Service and Remembrance’ in Boone County and in Harrison and call on all citizens to honor the lives of the lost on that fateful day and to ‘Unite in Service and Never Forget.’”

Executive Director of Camp Jack, Matt Russell, said, “After more than two decades now since 9/11, today is our opportunity to honor those lives once again lost and commemorate the service and sacrifices made that day by our heroes, law enforcement, first responders and so many others that step forward to provide countless acts of service and support as our nation’s greatest war unfolded. Sept. 12 is also an important date. Petty party politics immediately became trivial. All the social issues that divided our country vanished. The 50 states that make up this incredible nation were united again. It was a great feeling – but it didn’t last very long. Statements like, ‘The British are Coming,’ ‘The Day that Will Live in Infamy,’ and ‘9/11’ are times when our nation, freedoms, and way of life were attacked. We honor the brave men and women who made sacrifices. We honor them. The strength and reliance of our country are built on the neighbors and strangers who come together in the service of each other and of service to our great nation. May it always be so that there are heroes among us, and may God Bless America.”

James ‘Luke” Monday read the timeline of Sept. 11, 2001. And Mike Bishop read the Fireman’s Prayer.

Harrison Fire Department Battalion Chief EMS Chief Training Officer Ron Lemley said, “Our methods may change, but our goals remain the same, ‘To save lives and protect property.’ Sometimes at a terrible cost. This is what we do. This is our chosen profession. This is the tradition of firefighters.”



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