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Is anyone listening? Can you hear me now?


Have you ever wanted to speak to someone about something important, but you couldn’t get a word in? Or you couldn’t finish your sentence or thought because of interruptions?

I do remember the days of young children in the home who had to learn when Mommie was speaking to another adult, they could stand there quietly at my side and I would ask what they needed as soon as I could.

It worked well in theory, but not always in practice.

But as an adult, I’ve done the same thing. I barged into someone’s office and started talking from the hallway, only to realize, OOPS, they are on the phone. I quietly mouth, “Sorry” and back my way out of the room.

I John 5:14 NKJV reads, “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”

Notice that the verse doesn’t say, “You get exactly what you wished for.” Nor does it say, “Everything works out hunky dory.”

It says “He hears us.”

That makes my day, many times. I have a lot of things in my brain (YES, I do!) that are thoughts and concerns dealing with others that I really don’t have the liberty to share with anyone else.

It might be a slight complaint, or something negative … but I don’t want my conversations to always be like that. Often, I feel God nudging me to just keep it between Him and me.

Oh, married folks, how many times have you wanted to really speak your mind to that mate you married and promised, “For better, for worse,” and today you’ve forgotten why you fell in love and they are just annoying to you? Not that my hubby would ever feel that way about the messiest woman he has ever been around, or someone who can easily be very perky first thing in the morning. And surely a pastor’s wife would never feel that way about her husband!

But husbands and wives, if you’re ever been tempted to really tell them what you think, it is much safer if you just tell God. (Side note: There is a time for professional counseling, but that’s not what I’m writing about!)

I had an older pastor’s wife share with a group of young married ladies a long time ago. “When you feel like your husband isn’t doing something right, take it to God, and let Him swing the ball bat. But be sure to duck, so you don’t get hit, too.”

Talking to God about your problems instead of someone else also helps for work relationships, or people who just love to say mean things about you. There is a very fine line between sharing gossip that is true, I guess that isn’t gossip. Let’s word it differently. There is a fine line between saying things that are negative about others (usually to build up ourselves) and true gossip that could be truth, or could be lies. We just want to say something about that person, and flapping the lips surely burns calories.

If someone wanted to eavesdrop into my conversations with God, there is no telling what they could hear. Sometimes I am so full of thanks for the little things (that are important to me) that God took care of, and I’m just full of praise for His awesomeness.

But honestly, there are times I’m so mad at myself for having horrible thoughts about situations that I only want God to see that side of me. But, I really don’t want Him to see that side of me either. But he already knows, so I may as well admit I’m sinning and don’t like those thoughts. Admitting my yucky attitude is the beginning of developing a better attitude.

I’m so glad He has promised to always be there for me to rant and rave to, cry, or shout my praises about blessings. Not even the perfect mate can make all of those promises!

I hope you understand that God loves us exactly where we are. Messy, hateful, spiteful, jealous, envious, murderous, liars — and any other terrible adjectives you can think of. That’s our sin nature. But the key is to ask Jesus to rescue us from those sinful thoughts and actions. He will wash us clean and can begin a new relationship with Him that will make all the difference in this world, and the next to come.

But understand, having Jesus as your Savior doesn’t mean you are instantly perfect and you’ll never have another bad thought in your life. Not yet. When we get our perfect Heavenly bodies and attitudes, we will be like Jesus and we will be holy.

For now, it’s a daily — let me backup that truck. It’s a moment by moment struggle to live like Jesus in this earthly body. I try to keep encouraging music playing around me. I monitor the books I listen to, and movies and television shows I spend my time watching. Some things are just not entertainment to me.

But all of that is just part of growing closer to the Lord. As we read scripture and a truth hits us between the eyes, we need to think about it — or meditate upon that truth. Write it down.

Jesus gives us strength to face each day. K-LOVE Radio, Verse of the Day, today was 2 Corinthians 4:16 NLT, “That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.”

These earthly bodies are wearing out as we age. Sure we can possibly delay the process by being as healthy as possible, or we can speed up the decaying process. But our spirits … the part of you that makes you who you are … can be renewed every day when we spend time in God’s Word and we spend time talking to Him.

Remember He Hears us!


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