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News from Capps

News from Capps

By DOUG CONE drcone51@gmail.com 303-547-7298
Posted 5/13/23

Greetings from Capps. It's beginning to feel a lot like...well, summer, with the early heat and humidity lately. Last week's thunderstorms didn't produce much rain in Capps but they were sure noisy, especially Tuesday night. Capps Batavia Fire Department responded to two vehicle accidents on Highway 43 and 206 last Monday night, the first one was two vehicles, both totaled but no serious injuries, the second a motorcycle whose rider went to the hospital. We managed to squeeze in our board meeting in between the two. The Homesteaders Swap Meet will be held again 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, May 20, at the Capps Mini Storage on Old Capps Road just off Highway 392 west. Our friend Sue Casey has moved to the Conway area to be closer to her daughter. I got acquainted with the folks who bought her place, Bruce and Laura, who just moved here from the Chicago area. We lived in that yellow house ourselves for several months when it was owned by our friends, the Wakefields. The yellow rose planted by the mailbox is called, Harrison's Yellow.Mother's We brought a cutting of it with us from Colorado 5 years ago and it's putting on quite a show.

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