I am not one to exaggerate, but when my friend invited me to go horseback riding with her, I nearly died.
by Alexandra Paskhaver
EDITOR'S NOTE: In each weekend edition of the Daily Times, there will be a political column written by Boone County residents. Political parties will alternate weeks with their editorials. Each column will be under 500 words and will be a positive column for their party. The Daily Times will not edit the columns in any matter, but maintains the right to not publish the column if the rules that were given to each political party are violated.
How fabulous to see the large parking lot at the Harrison city tennis courts filled to the brim with cars on Wednesday Aug 29th for the annual Kaylee Cox Bankston ‘Pink Out’ event for breast cancer. May it be a glimpse of the future popularity of the nearby Creekside Community Center after it opens October 12. The tennis teams from four area high schools: Harrison, Valley Springs, Bergman and Jasper participated in the after-school games to help kick off the start of their fall competition season. Several area organizations and banks provided snacks and activities at the event. It really touched my heart at the end of the games to see the teenage tennis players, all wearing their pink T-shirts, formed a huge circle where a group of breast cancer survivors had a commemorative ‘survivor walk’ around the circle.
EDITOR'S NOTE: In each weekend edition of the Daily Times, there will be a political column written by Boone County residents. Political parties will alternate weeks with their editorials. Each column will be under 500 words and will be a positive column for their party. The Daily Times will not edit the columns in any matter, but maintains the right to not publish the column if the rules that were given to each political party are violated.
By John Holmes
All anybody needs to know about a free economy is alive and well thanks to social-media flea markets, such as Facebook Marketplace.
by Tom Purcell
About a month ago, the editor came into the news room. He said that coming up, we would get to write our own column for the opinion page. I was informed that of the four of us, I would be going last. “Oh good,” I said, “That gives me time to form an opinion about something”
Zach Holt
Losing someone you love so much is one of the hardest things a person has to go through. That grief is difficult for anyone, no matter who you are. Everyone grieves differently. Sometimes it's obvious to others and sometimes it is not.
Scott McDonald
EDITOR'S NOTE: In each weekend edition of the Daily Times, there will be a political column written by Boone County residents. Political parties will alternate weeks with their editorials. Each column will be under 500 words and will be a positive column for their party. The Daily Times will not edit the columns in any matter, but maintains the right to not publish the column if the rules that were given to each political party are violated.
EDITOR'S NOTE: In each weekend edition of the Daily Times, there will be a political column written by Boone County residents. Political parties will alternate weeks with their editorials. Each column will be under 500 words and will be a positive column for their party. The Daily Times will not edit the columns in any matter, but maintains the right to not publish the column if the rules that were given to each political party are violated.
by Kyle Evatt
August is “National Make a Will Month.” Seeing that this week, I started thinking (as I weirdly often do) about the fact that we’re all going to die. I generally try to keep this fact somewhere near the top of my head and not buried beneath the heavy, dull layers of mostly useless information that accumulates in our minds as we move through our day-to-day mundanities. Like dirt piled on a grave? (I am a sucker for unnecessary metaphors.)
Loretta Knieff
EDITOR'S NOTE: In each weekend edition of the Daily Times, there will be a political column written by Boone County residents. Political parties will alternate weeks with their editorials. Each column will be under 500 words and will be a positive column for their party. The Daily Times will not edit the columns in any matter, but maintains the right to not publish the column if the rules that were given to each political party are violated.
by Jill Marrs Bishop
If George Washington wanted to be my favorite president, then instead of offing a cherry tree, he would have chopped down every peach orchard in the United States.
by Alexandra Paskhaver
This summer, my wife and I took a vacation with our three semi-grown daughters to one of the most expensive places in America. No, we didn’t visit our local insurance office. We toured several beautiful and fascinating cities in New England.
by Jase Graves
Somewhere over the years, karma gave me the finger.
by Danny Tyree
Just because there are trained professionals dealing with the infrastructure, logistics and marketing of the Summer Olympics, it doesn’t let the rest of us off the hook.
by Danny Tyree
“If you could master any language in the world, what would it be?” “C++.”
by Alexandra Paskhaver
As our country goes to pot, I find myself more focused on personal matters, such as this hopeful item I read on MSN.com:
by Tom Purcell
Deep down, I am a very shallow person. That’s why I was appalled to find that some books have age limits recommended on the back cover.
by Alexandra Paskhaver
Although I receive three or more official doctor’s office blood pressure readings annually, I have procrastinated about regularly assessing my blood pressure at home.
by Danny Tyree
I’ve heard it said that things happen in threes, especially tragedies, deaths and doses of Pepto Bismol after a big Tex-Mex dinner.
by Jase Graves