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LITTLE ROCK – The timing could not have been better for the good news Arkansas just received. more
Remember when parents sternly warned, “Don’t take candy from strangers”? more
My Facebook “Memories” remind me that my son Gideon has always been ahead of his time. more
I love the snow. more
It’s Thursday morning and it hasn’t started snowing yet but word on the street is, it’s coming. This winter weather will mean we get to do some work-from-home on Friday without anyone questioning why we are working from home. I know a few people who work in companies where they get to work from home nearly all of the time; they love it and I love it for them. more
The worst thing in the entire world — apart from death, disease, or maiming — is jazz. For reasons I cannot fathom, my parents love it. more
There was an unmistakable sound in the skies above Fort Smith last month. The loud boom of two F-35s making the journey from a Lockheed Martin facility in Fort Worth, Texas, to their new home at Ebbing Air National Guard Base echoed around the community and marked an exciting milestone. more
As Mark Twain put it, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” more
My wife recalls the night of December 31, 1999 as a time of anxiety and trepidation. more
Yes, it’s that time you’ve been waiting for all year, when I reveal my list of New Year’s resolutions that I likely won’t be able to keep beyond Valentine’s Day, which, once again, I will probably spend demonstrating my love for my wife with Mexican food – mainly having her watch me eat it. more
LITTLE ROCK – The legislature’s list of accomplishments in 2024 was highlighted by a $438 reduction in income taxes for Arkansas families and businesses. more
When people think about the job of a U.S. Senator, they often picture what we see on C-SPAN with hearings, votes and eye-catching debates. But that work in the Capitol is only part of the job, because Members of Congress need to know what is happening at home and how federal agencies are working for their constituents before voting on legislation and policies in Washington. more
I turned 63 on Dec. 4. more
You spend all year planning the perfect time to get sick, and it sneaks up on you just the same. more
Why do Christmas memories from 50 years ago still hold so much power over me? I think I know now. more
At this time of year many of us take food and the quantity of it for granted. more
Every year a few weeks before Christmas, my sweet wife asks me what I’d like for Christmas. And every year, I tell her, “Nothing! I’d rather spend our money on the kids,” meaning our three now semi-grown (but fully-spoiled) daughters. more
Happy Holidays, one and all. more
Ever find yourself at the coffee counter in need of one of those cardboard insulators for your hot paper cup? What’s that called? Few people know — including many, I discovered, who work at Starbucks. It’s a zarf. more
My family has decided to buy a new car, if by “decided” we mean “opened tactical negotiations.” more
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