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Just 'Hold On'


How many times have we told someone to “hold their horses?” Well, as parents of children who want to run 180 miles per hour, we have to tell kids to slow down.

I know in my heart, God doesn’t make mistakes but sometimes I wonder why he gives kids so much energy and they don’t really appreciate it or need it!

For example, when crossing the street and someone says “Hold on,” usually that means, don’t get out in the street, a car is coming.

There are times that God tells us to “hold on” or “hold our horses” and we’d better stop and wait on Him.

There's a time when “hold on” means hang on for dear life. When I’ve zip lined, and looked down 70 stories off the ground, I was hanging on for dear life … but thankfully I was also harnessed in. Because I know my piano playing, typing fingers can not hold my weight. So if I’d tried to hang on by my own power … someone else would be writing this column.

I think life is like that tool. Yes, when making important decisions, many times God tells us to “hang on, wait a few days, talk to me more about this!”

Then when the schedule and circumstances make life look impossible, it’s time to look to the Lord and admit, “I can’t do all of this, Lord.” Most of the time the Lord whispers to me, “YOU don’t have to do this. I can do this … and much better than you. Let me help.”

There is a song on the Christian radio stations called, “Hold on” by Katy Nichole. I happen to listen to three different stations, two in the car and a different app on my phone while getting ready. (Not all at the same time.) I heard that song from all three stations within an hour. On my way to the gym, then while coming home from the gym, then from inside the house while getting ready. Then the next morning, it was playing when I started the car. I finally told the Lord, Ok. I’ll pay attention to the words this time.

Katy Nicole begins with the words: “Smoke clouds all around, Couldn’t see your face. Darkness consumed me, stuck in the bitterness.” Ever felt like that? Bitterness is a cancer that can kill, but sometimes it creeps in when we least expect it.

The next phrase is “But I know there’s a light that’s waiting up ahead, So I’ll stay in the fight and look to the One who says, Hold on just a little bit longer, I know it’s gonna be okay. These days are gonna make you stronger. You’ll find purpose in the pain. Hold on just a little bit longer. Deep down, there’s a well of faith. Let hope arise as you’re liftin’ up My name, And just hold on.”

In my current Bible study (going through the New Testament in a year) we are currently in Matthew. (Don’t worry, it didn’t start in Matthew and here it is September already!) The disciples and even John the Baptist don’t understand why Jesus hasn’t started a revolution against the Romans who are occupying the Jewish territory. They are ready to fight and do battle. But Jesus is calmly healing the sick, blind, deaf, casting out demons and speaking to the crowds every chance He can. While John the Baptist is in prison, he sends word to his cousin, Jesus, to ask him if he’s really the Messiah. That made me stop and think. John knew that he had miraculously been born to two elderly parents, past the age of child bearing. He was born “to prepare the way of the Lord.” And he knew the details concerning the birth of Jesus and His miraculous conception. Yet, he still questioned his cousin. My husband reminded me that it was a very desperate time for John. He was condemned to Herod’s prison — and eventually beheaded.

So you may be going through desperate times too. Hopefully you aren’t facing an execution. But whether it’s the job, marriage, relationships, finances, health — whatever the problems — “Hold On.” Jesus wants to walk through them with you. Remember Isaiah 41:13, “For I the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not. I will help you.’”

Remember when your stubborn toddler wouldn’t hold your hand when you thought it was safer they did so? Don’t be like that with Jesus. Willingly reach for His Hand. He’s waiting to hold on to you, and he won’t let you go.


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