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Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. more
YELLVILLE — Marion County Sheriff Gregg Alexander reported this week that on Monday, Dec. 2, Investigators arrested 52 year-old Dana E. Scott of Branson, Mo. on one count of Failure to Pay or File Tax Returns and two counts of Tampering with Public Records. Both charges are Class "D" felonies. more
An arrest for arson was made last month after an investigation of the September fire inside the Dollar General located in downtown Harrison. New details regarding the investigation are available following the filing of an affidavit in Boone County Circuit Court this week. more
There are some today who would rather _______________(you fill in the blank) than go to the dentist. When I tell the younger generation what it was like in the 1950’s and 1960’s, they often gasp and accuse me of telling a “whopper”. But those harrowing tales don’t hold a candle to the so called “dental care” from 100 years ago and even more. Indeed, visitors to our medical room here at the Museum really do gasp in disbelief when they view the dental equipment from that long ago. Many more
Harrison Police Chief Chris Graddy shared on Tuesday that the Harrison Police Department recently responded to a Silver Alert with a successful outcome. A Silver Alert is a public notice broadcast alerting the public to missing senior citizens, similar to an Amber Alert which pushes out a notification about missing children. more
Work continues on the Main Street Bridge in Harrison. The Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) closed the bridge on Tuesday, Jan. 2, to begin deconstructing the old to make way for the new. more
The winter holiday season, which generally begins with Thanksgiving and ends after New Year’s, sees an uptick in automobile wrecks across the nation. It's not just the snowy and icy days that cause the increase. The combination of heavier than usual traffic, long-distance travel, and festivities involving alcohol consumption are some of the factors that contribute. more
Happy Birthday to my wonderful next door neighbor Jimmie Lou Nuessner November 27. more
An Arkansas Department of Transportation employee was killed Tuesday in a construction zone. more
Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. more
ALPENA — On Tuesday, Nov. 12, the Alpena School District gave a glimpse of the future when it showed off some of their new all electric buses. more
The Learning Center of North Arkansas is proud to announce five paraprofessionals (classroom teachers) who completed training and are now LENA certified teachers. more
One of the Times' most popular features — the Harrison Police Department Log, has been absent for months. The log was previously organized through an independent contractor and the police, but the contractor is no longer available to complete the task. more
Though the recent election seemed so full of vitriol, controversy, “facts” with little factual basis, and just plain meanness, it might be a good time to remind our readers that though the opinion of many is that this was likely the worst such election cycle in our history, a little digging will show that this is debatable. I will leave that for another day. Instead, here is a story that absolutely runs contrary to what most folks expect in today’s politics. It is so refreshingly honest, it is startling. The subject of our story is Jeff Fowler, a Boone County transplant to Throckmorton County, Texas, who, at the urging of his wife, decided to run for County Attorney. NOTHING about this story fits our current experience in the wild and wooly politics of the 21st century. This story, by former BCHM writer David Holsted, originally ran in the Harrison Daily Times in July 2018. more
PONCA — The Newton County Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting, presented by J3 at The Gap,  Thursday, Nov. 14, at Buffalo Outdoor Center's RiverWind Lodge near Ponca. Delaney Thomas, director of Arkansas Tourism, was the keynote speaker. more
BELLEFONTE — Documents were filed in Boone County Circuit Court this week stating that Dannielle P. Heath, of Kirbyville, Mo. was arrested on charges of terroristic threatening, criminal impersonation, 3rd degree battery, disorderly conduct, and two counts of criminal mischief after a fraught interaction at a truck stop occurred on Halloween. more
MARSHALL — A search warrant to investigate a bank account was filed in the Circuit Court of Searcy County this week. The warrant seeks access to debit/credit card transaction information, transaction location information, documents, records, receipts, digital media, recordings, and phone numbers pertaining to the account holder — for the time beginning Nov. 1 through the current date. "Also, any and all items that are evidence for fruits of crimes and so subject to state seizure," are also requested by the warrant. more
FORSYTH, Mo. — Jeffrey Stansbery was arrested into custody of the Searcy County Sheriff's Office on Tuesday, Nov. 19. on charges of capital murder and abuse of a corpse. 75 year-old Stansbery was previously being held in Taney County, Missouri, following his arrest there. However, his alleged crime was committed in Marshall — in Searcy County, Arkansas. more
L.H. Elementary Honor Roll students enjoyed a pizza party to celebrate their hard work for achieving All A's or All A's & B's last quarter! more
Harrison Public Schools has announced that HHS junior Mark Gregory Green has been selected to participate in U.S. Senator John Boozman’s (R-AR) 2024-2025 Congressional Youth Cabinet. more
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